Which 学生 are Dangerous?


More than 10 percent of the respondents may be inclined toward lethal violence, and more than 2.5 percent could be considered dangerous.

学生 were asked two questions that reflect their inclinations toward school shooting:

  • 8 percent of the respondents said they have thought about shooting someone at school.
  • 10%的人表示,他们考虑过如果他们想在学校开枪,他们会怎么做.
  • 12 percent agreed with one or both statements; these are the students considered to be inclined toward lethal violence.


  • 24 percent said they could "easily get a gun if I wanted one."

We determined that those who had agreed with all three statements, indicating that they had thought about shooting someone at school; had made a plan to do so; and had the means to carry out a shooting - 2.6%的受访者是最有可能在学校实施致命暴力的人,因此也是最危险的.

When the regressions are conducted by urban city and by geographic region, the same four predictors are usually among the most important. There were some interesting differences, however.

  • For urban students, ethnic orientation became more important, with white students more likely to indicate violent thoughts.
  • For suburban students and those in the South, 在社区中提供帮助与暴力倾向之间似乎存在负相关, with dangerous students less likely to help out in the community.
  • Rural students were the only ones for whom grades were among the most important predictors. Rural students with poor grades were more likely to express violent thoughts.
    For Midwestern students, 母亲的教育水平(通常是社会经济地位的指标)和媒体的使用都很重要.
  • 母亲受教育程度越高的学生和花更多时间接触电子媒体的学生更有可能说自己有危险的想法.

尽管成绩较差的学生更有可能说他们曾想过在学校开枪,并考虑过如何实施枪击, grades (academic performance) did not predict dangerousness, nor did ethnic orientation and family status.

High media users are likely to be highly-alienated, have a low quality of life index and get poorer grades, but without further analysis, high media use does not appear to correlate with "dangerousness."

Because the pervasiveness of violence in the media is so often blamed for violence in society, 我们决定调查学生的媒体使用习惯,并确定沉浸在电子媒体上的时间(因此他们可能暴露于模拟暴力的时间)与学校中致命暴力倾向之间是否存在关系. 学生, responding to another section of the survey, told us clearly that they do not consider "Violence on TV, “在视频、电脑和视频游戏中”,这是导致致命暴力的主要原因,有时会在学校爆发. In looking at the raw data, 似乎媒体的使用和属性可能与暴力倾向有关——生活质量低, high alienation index, and poorer academic performance.

Differences in media usage by various groups:
Means: Hours per wk. On the internet Watching videos Playing video games Playing computer games 访问ing chat rooms Looking at websites
总计 13.73 4.76 2.82 3.91 1.47 6.88
男性 15.63 4.46 4.49 4.91 1.43 8.09
11.73 5.07 4.07 2.86 1.51 5.60
Low quality of life 16.00 5.27 3.35 5.22 2.10 7.82
Medium quality of life 12.92 4.34 2.61 3.55 1.30 7.23
High quality of life 12.26 4.69 2.50 2.95 1.00 5.48
High alienation 15.83 5.16 3.35 4.67 2.02 7.90
Medium alienation 12.75 4.30 2.36 4.14 1.09 5.90
Low alienation 12.70 4.77 2.72 3.10 1.24 6.75
Grades: A's 11.63 3.88 1.94 3.14 1.09 6.31
Grades: B's 14.65 5.05 3.10 4.14 1.58 7.31
Grades: C's 11.24 4.91 3.60 4.44 1.92 4.09

Internet use
Fifteen percent of the students reported spending 25 or more hours a week on the internet. Ten percent spend 10 hours or less; 12 percent spend 11-15 hours a week; 7 percent, 16-20 hours a week and 3 percent, 21-24 hours a week.

  • Among those with a low quality of life and among those who are highly alienated, the percentage jumped to 20 percent who are spending 25 hours or more a week using the internet.
  • 学生 with poorer grades are less likely to spend a great deal of time on the internet. Among those who receive mostly D's and F's in school, only 8 percent spend 25 hours or more a week on the internet, compared to 14 percent of those who get mostly A's, and 16 percent of those who get mostly B's and C's.

There is a difference, too, in the means of hours spent on the internet.

  • The mean for the total sample was 13.73 hours per week on the internet.
  • 那些生活质量较低的人和那些被高度疏远的人每周花在互联网上的时间超过了两个小时.
  • Those who get mostly B's and C's are spending more time on the internet (14.65 hours a week) than either those who get mostly A's (11.63 hours) or those who get mostly D's and F's (11.24小时).

Watching videos
Thirty percent of the respondents spend six or more hours a week watching videos. Girls are more likely than boys to spend six or more hours a week watching videos (33 percent cf. 27 percent).

  • The means for the total of respondents of the number of hours spent watching videos is 4.76 hours a week.
  • Girls spend more time (5.07 hours) watching videos than boys do (4.76小时). This is the only media category in which the means for girls is higher than the means for boys.
  • 那些生活质量低的人和那些高度疏远的人每周花更多的时间看视频而不是手段.
  • Those who get mostly A's in school spend less time watching videos than the means; those who get mostly B's and C's and those who get mostly D's and F's spend more time per week than the means.

Playing video games
Twenty-eight percent of the respondents spend more than three hours a week playing video games. Boys are far more likely to spend that much time playing video games than girls are (43 percent cf. 11 percent).

  • 与高年级学生相比,低年级学生更有可能每周花3个小时或更多时间玩电子游戏(33%). 21 percent).
  • The mean number of hours respondents spent playing video games is 2.82 hours a week.
  • The mean for boys is 4.49 hours a week, more than four times that of girls (1.07 hours a week).
  • Those who report a low quality of life spend 3.35 hours a week playing video games, compared to 2.50 hours for those with a high quality of life.
  • Those who are highly alienated spend more time each week playing video games.
  • 那些学习成绩差的人比那些学习成绩好的人花更多的时间玩电子游戏.

Playing computer games
Among all respondents, 35 percent spend three hours or more a week playing computer games. Boys are much more likely than girls to spend more than three hours a week (39 percent cf. 29 percent).

  • Younger students are slightly more likely than older students to spend that amount of time.
  • 39 percent of those with a low quality of life spend three or more hours a week on computer games, compared to 30 percent of those with a high quality of life.
  • 那些疏远指数中等的人比那些疏远指数高的人每周花3个小时或更多的时间(38%). 36 percent) and considerably more likely than those with low alienation indices (30 percent).
  • The overall mean is 3.91 hours a week, with the mean for boys, 4.91 hours a week and for girls, 2.86 hours a week.
  • Those who report a low quality of life spend 5.22 hours a week playing computer games, while those who report a high quality of life spend 2.95 hours a week on computer games.
  • Highly alienated youths spend 4.67 hours a week playing computer games, compared to 3.10 hours a week for those who have low alienation indices.
  • 那些成绩大都是D和F的学生比那些成绩大都是a的学生每周多花半个小时玩电脑游戏. (4.44 hours cf. 3.14小时).

访问ing chat rooms
Chat rooms appear to be the least-used media among teenagers. Only 15 percent of the respondents spend three or more hours a week in chat rooms, and 66 percent reported they spend no time at all in chat rooms.

  • 20 percent of those who are highly alienated, and 19 percent of those with a low quality of life index spend more than three hours a week in chat rooms.
  • 九年级和十年级的学生比年轻或年长的学生每周访问聊天室的时间超过三个小时.
  • 20 percent of the black students said they spend three or more hours a week in chat rooms.
  • 18%生活在不安全社区的学生和19%认为自己在学校不安全的学生每周在聊天室里呆三个小时或更长时间. (The mean number of hours per week spent in chat rooms is 1.47.)
  • Girls are spending slightly more time in chat rooms than boys (1.51 hours a week cf. 1.43小时).
  • 生活质量低的人花在聊天室的时间是生活质量高的人的两倍.10 hours a week cf. 1.00 hour a week).
  • Highly-alienated students spend 2.02 hours a week in chat rooms, compared those with a low alienation index, who spend 1.24 hours a week.
  • 学生 who get mostly D's and F's in school spend 1.92 hours a week in chat rooms. In comparison, those who get mostly A's spend 1.09 hours a week visiting chat rooms.

Looking at websites
Only 11 percent of the respondents report spending no time in an average week looking at websites. Forty-three percent said they spend five hours or more each week visiting websites.

  • 47 percent of those who report a low quality of life spend five or more hours a week visiting websites, 而38%的生活质量高的人说他们每周花这么多时间上网.
  • 49 percent of those who are highly alienated spend five or more hours a week on websites, but so do 39 percent of those who have a low alienation index.
  • 48 percent of the boys spend five or more hours a week visiting websites, compared to 38 percent of the girls.
  • 相比年龄较大的青少年(45%和47%),年龄较小的青少年花在上网上的时间较少(33%)。.
  • 成绩较差(多为D和F)的学生(29%)每周花5个小时或更多时间上网的可能性低于成绩多为B和C的学生(44%)和成绩多为a的学生(41%)。.
  • The mean number of hours a week spent visiting websites is 6.88, with boys spend much more time than girls (8.09 hours cf. 5.60 hours a week).
  • 生活质量指数低的人比生活质量指数高的人每周花在浏览网站上的时间超过两个小时.82 cf. 5.48 hours a week).
  • Highly alienated students spend 2.02 hours a week visiting websites, compared to 1.24 hours a week for those with low alienation indices.
  • 学生 who get mostly B's and C's spend 7.31 hours a week visiting websites, compared to 6.31 hours a week for those who get mostly A's and 4.09 hours for those who get mostly D's and F's.

When we looked specifically at the students who might be considered dangerous, 我们发现,他们在使用电子媒体的时间上确实与其他受访者有所不同.

Dangerous 学生 vs. 学生
Dangerous 学生 学生
Using Internet 13.62小时/周. 17.46小时/周.
Watching videos 4.70小时/周. 6.78小时/周.
Playing video games 2.80小时/周. 3.46小时/周.
Playing computer games 3.86小时/周. 5.63小时/周.
访问ing web pages 6.82小时/周. 8.64小时/周.

虽然平均数看起来很有趣——尤其是互联网使用率——但这些媒体变量与“危险学生组合”之间的相关性很低. The largest correlation was .119 between internet usage and dangerousness.

我们的调查缺少的是衡量各种媒体的暴力内容可能有多严重, and how long and how frequently respondents were exposed to violent versus innocuous content. Without knowing more about those variables, 很难确切地得出结论,媒体的大量使用是校园致命暴力的一个原因.