健康care Planning & Management

Bottom line, you will be in demand!

医疗保健绝对是关于拯救生命和处理医疗问题, 但在美国,这也是一门生意. 在保持医院和实践的偿付能力和以适当的敏感性和同情心开展业务之间取得适当的平衡,落在医疗管理专业人员身上.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


健康care Planning & Management (BS)

Double 主要

Double 主要 option(s) offered.
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健康care Planning & Management

你需要完成艺术和科学核心课程加上足够的艺术和科学选修课,总共至少60个文科学分. 你还将学习商务专业核心课程. 此外,所有医疗保健计划和管理专业的学生必须参加:

  • HLPM 201 The 健康 Care Delivery System
  • HLPM 205 Public 健康
  • HLPM 301 健康care Policy
  • HLPM 310 Legal & Ethical Issues in 健康care
  • HLPM 485 实习: 健康care Planning & Management
  • HLPM 495 Seminar: 健康care Planning & Management
  • ECON 420 经济学 in 健康care

Business Professional Core Requirements

  • ACCT 211 Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 212 Managerial Accounting
  • BUSI 105 Business Perspectives
  • BUSI 106 Contemporary Business
  • BUSI 457 International Business
    or FIN 458 International Financial Management
    or ECON 412 International 经济学
    or MKTG 489 International Marketing
  • BUSI 499 Business Policy
  • FIN 348 Managerial Finance
  • LAW 241 The Legal Environment of Business
  • MGMT 328管理与组织行为
  • MGMT 484 Operations Management
  • MIS 390管理信息系统入门
  • MKTG 221 Marketing Principles and Management

艺术 and Sciences Core

Quantitative Methods

  • MIS 101 Analytics I
  • BUSI 113 Descriptive Analytics and Statistics
  • BUSI 213 研究 Methods for Business
  • MATH 104 Quantitative Methods for Business


  • ENGL 101 Writing I
  • ENGL 102 Writing II


  • ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics

Social Sciences (minimum)
Natural Sciences (minimum)
Humanities (minimum)

数学151-微积分我可以代替数学104. 写作要求在文科和理科通识教育要求目录中有详细说明, Basic Competencies, Written Communication.

理学士商业学位由各专业共享的专业核心课程组成, business courses specific to each major, 商科选修共48学分, 文理及通识教育为商科指定的核心课程, 和文科选修课达到至少60学分的文科课程(所有理学学士学位都要求). Depending on the major, 你将选修额外的课程,以达到毕业所需的120个学分. You are also required to :

  • 完成至少30个学分的高级商业课程
  • Maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average overall
  • 一门个人健身课程(学分不包括在毕业所需的120学分内)和一门健康课程.
  • 满足大学的全球视野要求

After your first year is complete, 我们敦促所有商科学生获得有价值的, 只有实习才能提供真实的经验. 往届学生都曾在财富500强企业实习, hockey foundations, religious charities, music companies, and many others.

  • 大多数实习是在两个学期之间的夏季进行的
  • Each credit hour you’ll earn equals 45 hours of work; you'll figure out the actual schedule with your site supervisor
  • 实习可能有报酬,也可能没有报酬,这取决于你所在的机构
  • Grades are assessed based on complete, 及时提交所有必要的实习文件, 以期末学习报告权重最大

医疗保健计划管理双学位对所有澳大学生开放. 获得医疗保健计划和管理双学位, take all courses listed below, totaling 75 credits.

Learn more about Double 主要s

  • ACCT 211 Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 212 Managerial Accounting
  • BUSI 113 or other AU statistics course
  • BUSI 213 研究 Methods
  • BUSI 499 Business Policy
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • FIN 348 Managerial Finance
  • LAW 241 Legal Environment of Business
  • MGMT 328 Management and Org Behavior
  • MGMT 484 Operations Management
  • MIS 101 Analytics II
  • MIS 390 Intro to MIS
  • MKTG 221 Marketing Principles & Management
  • BUSI various International Business option
  • ECON 420 经济学 in 健康care
  • HLPM 201 健康 Care Delivery Systems
  • HLPM 205 Public 健康
  • HLPM 301 健康care Policy
  • HLPM 310 Legal & Ethical Issues in 健康care
  • HLPM 485 HLPM 实习
  • HLPM 495 HLPM Seminar
  • ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ENGL 101 Writing 1
  • MATH 104 or 151 or higher or BUSI 150

k8彩乐园app官网下载辅修医疗保健计划 & Management is open to all majors. 它将使您获得在医疗保健规划和管理中可用的各种职业机会的知识,同时获得可应用于许多商业环境的独特知识库.


  • HLPM 201 The 健康 Care Delivery System
  • HLPM 205 Public 健康
  • HLPM 301 健康care Policy
  • HLPM 310 Legal & Ethical Issues in 健康care
  • ACCT 211 Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 212 Managerial Accounting
  • ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics


Success Rate

98% of our graduates 毕业六个月后是否全职工作或进入研究生院. 研究生s of 健康care Planning & 管理课程适用于各种各样的行业,包括:

  • General Medical & Surgical Hospitals
  • Medical Practices
  • Outpatient Care 设施
  • Long-Term Care 设施
  • Hospice Providers
  • Public 健康 Agencies
  • Assisted Living/Residential Care
  • 健康 Maintenance Organizations
  • Insurance Companies
  • Government Agencies
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Medical Device Providers
  • Consulting Firms
All Undergraduate 项目