MFA Thesis Exhibitions

spring 2020

Candidates for MFA degrees in Ceramic Art, Electronic Integrated Arts, Painting, and Sculpture/Dimensional Studies are featured in a series of culminating thesis exhibitions.

不幸的是,由于新冠肺炎疫情,现场观看展览的人数非常有限. To accommodate, 我们在下面整理了一份在线目录,供您在自己舒适的空间中查看. 

此外,还有一个群展发生在 Fosdick-Nelson Gallery in the Fall of 2020.

Online Catalog

Brittany Dias

Ceramic Art

我的雕塑实践体现了个人的心理和身体体验, 在内部和外部之间架起桥梁, public and private space, and vulnerability. The essences of events or moments,...

View Brittany Dias's Exhibit

Lauren Havel

Alfred-Düsseldorf Painting

A girl on her knees is puking in an alley; her friend holds her hair. 一个音乐节目主持人正在播放病态的节奏,没有意识到舞池里随之而来的混乱. 一个孤独的灵魂沐浴在汽车旅馆泳池的灯光下. A group...

View Lauren Havel's Exhibit

Erin Hoffman

Sculpture-Dimensional Studies

艾琳·霍夫曼是一位多学科艺术家,专注于玻璃. 她的作品探讨了我们不断发展的数字文化中的语言和技术理念. 她对周围环境的复杂性很感兴趣...

View Erin Hoffman's Exhibit

Teisha Holloway

Sculpture-Dimensional Studies

I was born into a nomadic military lifestyle. 这意味着,在我的家庭中,权力结构、家庭角色、地域和文化都在不断变化. This led to feelings of isolation and...

View Teisha Holloway's Exhibit

Jing Huang

Ceramic Art

如果中国和北美之间的距离是7723公里, 那么从前的我和现在的我之间的距离是多少? 如果从家到这里有12个小时,现在是几点? When a new life meets an old...

View Jing Huang's Exhibit

Hiromi Kanada

Ceramic Art

Balance is an essential concept in my life. 在我十几岁的时候从日本过渡到美国,这让我对艺术产生了好奇心,把它作为一种新的探索方式, expressing, and communicating. Since then, I explored several...

View Hiromi Kanada's Exhibit

Taylor Keister

Alfred-Düsseldorf Painting

我在绘画中使用装置来发展关于存在的有形性和/或误解的叙事和抽象故事情节. 谈到人和地方的时间性,我强调的是被忽视的...

View Taylor Keister's Exhibit

Ara Koh

Ceramic Art

I speak Korean, English, and Clay. My studio practice is a form of translation. 与粘土打交道是记忆、诚实和反思的载体. 我把不可见的和无定形的东西转化为可见的和固体的东西. A...

View Ara Koh's Exhibit

Paloma Kop

Electronic Integrated Arts

我的论文研究的是物质空间(时间)和电子空间(时间)之间的边界。. What spaces — real or virtual — are we in, 以及图像制作的方式是如何告诉我们它们的概念的? My...

View Paloma Kop's Exhibit

Haley Nannig

Alfred-Düsseldorf Painting

我的艺术实践是我对绘画的物质性和可能性的兴趣与人类与自然世界不断发展的关系之间的结合. 我的目标是质疑描绘自然的悠久历史...

View Haley Nannig's Exhibit

Leslie Rollins

Electronic Integrated Arts

我的艺术实践探索了阈限空间,记录了在与非人类和人类能量互动时所经历的心理生态. 对其他代理的调用和响应提供了一个共享空间...

View Leslie Rollins's Exhibit

Jamie Rose

Sculpture-Dimensional Studies

There is a severe lack of love in most of our lives; a quiet tragedy that is the root cause of many societal issues. Love, or a lack thereof, 这个话题很难讨论是因为这个词本身被滥用了吗, watered...

View Jamie Rose's Exhibit

Edward Salas

Alfred-Düsseldorf Painting

爱德华·萨拉斯(Edward Salas)是纽约艺术家,致力于探索构建文化和真实性的交叉点. 他的作品参考了宗教肖像学和拉丁美洲的民间传说,作为创造混合偶像的方法. Throughout his...

View Edward Salas's Exhibit

Joshua Schutz

Ceramic Art

我的雕塑的三维形式被华丽的表面应用所颠覆. Often using reinterpreted patterns, 我想知道一个人要离图案多近才能看清我的标记是否...

View Joshua Schutz's Exhibit

Denise Wakeman

Sculpture-Dimensional Studies

我的作品通过使用身体和技术图像来探索脆弱的身心联系. 我感兴趣的是探索我们的具身自我感和关于自我的内在心理过程/经验...

View Denise Wakeman's Exhibit

Gongzhuo Wang

Electronic Integrated Arts

我是版画家、视频艺术家和平面设计师. In the past few years, 我通过生物探索自然之间的关系, human behavior, and technology. 表达自然世界,这是基于...

View Gongzhuo Wang's Exhibit

ChengOu Yu

Ceramic Art

锅作为一个标志,承载着它所承载的历史, 它包含的意义和它潜在传达的概念——在我的实践中,锅的影响是重要的. I use symbolic form to unfold and...

View ChengOu Yu's Exhibit

Qinxuan Zhang

Electronic Integrated Arts

城市景观是新的景观,这两年一直让我很着迷. Because I realize how it impacts on me, whether the impact is potentially or obviously, 它具有让人感知它的强大力量...

View Qinxuan Zhang's Exhibit

Francesco Gattuso

Alfred-Düsseldorf Painting

Drawing on Mediterranean folklore, customs, 以及神话,亚伯拉罕故事和高幻想意象, 我的作品旨在解决身份问题,并在以白色为主的空间中成为“他者”...

View Francesco Gattuso's Exhibit