
Attorney David Chesnoff 76 honored for humanitarian service

k8彩乐园app官网下载校友David Z. Chesnoff 76, 一位全国知名的律师和慈善家, 最近获得了拉斯维加斯斯科普斯奖. Presented by the American 朋友 of 希伯来大学 (AFHU), the Scopus Award recognizes individuals for their dedication to humanitarian concerns, 这反映在他们的成就上, 领导, 慈善活动.

Chesnoff, who earned a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from Alfred University in 1976 and went on to earn his law degree from Suffolk University in 1979, received the Scopus Award during a ceremony held Saturday, 1月. 20岁,在拉斯维加斯永利酒店的安可酒店.

“David has strengthened the connection between Las Vegas and the 希伯来大学,——帕特里夏·格拉泽, AFHU西部地区董事会副主席, 在颁奖典礼上说. “He is deserving of this award for his dedication to Israel, 他对社区的服务, 以及他对大学倡议的支持.”

希伯来大学的美国朋友 (AFHU)是一个国家, not-for-profit organization headquartered in New York City which works in close partnership with the 希伯来大学 of Jerusalem, Israel's premier academic and research institution. AFHU提供支持者, 希伯来大学校友, and the public with stimulating programs and events and organizes missions to Israel. The organization’s activities support scholarly and scientific achievement at 希伯来大学 by creating scholarships, 资助新设施, and assisting the University’s efforts to recruit outstanding new faculty.

“We are immensely proud to count David Chesnoff as an alumnus of Alfred University. His passion and accomplishments on behalf of his community, 支持弱者, and promoting the values of a democratic society are exceptional and commendable,Mark Zupan报道, k8彩乐园app官网下载校长, 评论. “In his remarks at the recent Scopus Award ceremony in Las Vegas, David eloquently draws on a passage from the Old Testament’s Book of Exodus regarding the importance of bringing light when there is darkness so that we can see and better understand our fellow human beings. He exemplifies Alfred University’s motto, based on the third verse of Genesis, of ‘Fiat Lux!’或‘要有光!’”

希伯来大学 President Professor Asher Cohen and Professor Tomer Broude, 法学院院长, paid tribute to Chesnoff at an exclusive event meet and greet for VIP guests. Alex Yemenidjian, Chairman of Armenco Capital, LLC, presented the Scopus Award to Chesnoff. Among the local government dignitaries were Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo, and Clark County (Nevada) 地方检察官史蒂夫·沃尔夫森.

“我认为大卫应该获得这个奖项, 他的贡献有很多,沃尔夫森在一段致敬视频中说道. “A lot of people talk the talk, but David walks the walk. He's a great humanitarian, and his contributions have really made a difference.”

“We’re here tonight to recognize the work and dedication of my friend, Scopus奖获得者David Chesnoff,——杰基·罗森, U.S. 她在视频问候中说道. “恭喜你,大卫. 你对拉斯维加斯社区的贡献, support of Jewish philanthropy in Nevada and around the country as well as your commitment to Israel have made meaningful contributions to the lives of so many.”

“David deserves the Scopus Award because he exemplifies everything the award represents,隆巴多州长说. “David brings our community together through his volunteerism, 仁, and 领导 – there is no one more deserving of this award.”

“在以色列这段黑暗而充满挑战的时期, 希伯来大学的美国朋友 is pleased to pay tribute to David,AFHU首席执行官Joshua Rednik说. “He has given so much to Israel and has been a leader in the Nevada Jewish Community. His recent visit to Israel to serve as a hospital volunteer is just one example of his commitment and of why he is so deserving of this accolade.”

Chesnoff is leading criminal defense attorney and a partner at Chesnoff & 联系 earned a national reputation for its legal expertise and is listed as one of the country's top criminal law firms in several directories, 包括“美国最佳律师”,和《k8彩乐园app官网下载》." While Chesnoff counts Hollywood celebrities and well-known public figures among his clients—including Martha Stewart, 布鲁诺火星, 迈克·泰森, and Brittany Spears—he is deeply committed to helping the underdog prevail against a more powerful entity.

“My role is to see that the Constitution is followed and that every one of my defendants receives the best defense available,切斯诺夫说. “I am humbled to receive this award and that I am being recognized for having tried to be a good person.”

David Chesnoff在Scopus颁奖典礼上的评论

“I feel honored to be named the 2024 recipient of the AFHU Scopus Award,” Chesnoff continued. “Israel needs us now more than ever and amidst these turbulent times, the 希伯来大学 of Jerusalem stands as a beacon of hope, offering students a world-class education and enabling economic and social mobility for young people from all walks of life.”

Previous Scopus Award recipients include Barbra Streisand, 伦纳德伯恩斯坦, 鲍勃·霍普, 弗兰克·西纳特拉, 伊丽莎白•泰勒, 和埃利·威塞尔, 等.